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Creating a Perfect Speech Is Easier Than You May Think

Writing a good speech demands thorough preparations: the more efforts and time you’ll spend, the less unfortunate occasions will appear. Perfect speech combines two aspects: emotional and logical. The first one makes the speech impressive, and the second one supplies persuasiveness.

How to start?

The speech must have the neat structure that starts with topic. It is important to formulate a short and sharp topic that reflects main aspects of the speech, so it is clear and catchy. However, try to avoid banal proverbial phrases.

In order to generate interest to the theme of the speech, start with unexpected question, an unusual fact, an interesting figure, sample or sketch "from life" - all this can catch the audience's attention. While writing, keep in mind the aim of the speech and its auditory because it defines words you use, complexity of sentences, and selection of facts.

A Person wondering how to begin

Choosing information

The selected material is supposed to answer the question: "What can I say?" Choosing facts is the most time-consuming process. Various sources can be used: official documents, scientific literature, statistical compilations, articles from newspapers and magazines, results of polls, interviews, your own thoughts and observations. For your speech to be meaningful use not only one source but several. An evidence should prove your point of view, include comparison and history examples.

Structure of the speech

There are also different forms of presentation of your information: description, narration, proof of some statement, or combination of these forms. The choice of the form depends on the intention of the speaker, audience and theme.

Persuasive narration can be achieved in various ways of organizing you thoughts:

  • construction of the main part from simple to complex;
  • listing of all the items characteristics
  • chronological construction of material

This is supposed to be an answer to the question: "In what order to say?" Properly written speech has no sharp jumps between the main part, introduction and conclusion. Try to smooth the transition from one idea to another.

Emotional person speaking

Figures of speech and emotional filling

When the text is meaningful and logically organized, it is time to work on the text and answer the question: "How should I say?" Speech writing is a creative process which should include fantasy and imagery. The imagery provides speech with brightness, brilliance, clarity, style, so performance is well-remembered. Nevertheless, it occurs when proverbs, sayings, comparisons, descriptions and other figures of speech are organically shaped and combined with a clear frame of abstract concepts.

Focus on performance is achieved by multiple repetitions of the main ideas in different formulations so audience understands better and remembers the essence of the message. The repetition of the main ideas and other essential parts of the content facilitates perception, understanding and presetting performance.

Try to increase the tension of the content from joining up to a climax that is clearly formulated beforehand and is made for keeping the audience's attention. An unexpected, unconventional connection of details and facts enhances the tension of the content, increases the curiosity of your audience.

Semantic richness of a speech is certainly important, but it is also important to alter parts informationally rich with parts that are less complicated. This gives new explanation of the message, stated in the speech, makes it clearer. Smartness and irony also give new brightness to speech. They are believed to illuminate the deeper meaning in comparison to tragic seriousness.

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