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Simple Rules of Not Becoming the Coach Potato within Winter Holidays

Holidays are meant for rest and enjoying your life. You are dreaming about them for months and think what a wonderful time you may have when there is nothing to learn and write. However, when the time comes and the holiday begins the joy and happiness last for about one day. Here are some useful tips of how not to let laziness to rule you.

Tip #1. Plan your holiday.

Remember to plan the winter break before it begins. In order not to lose any day you should list the activities, which you would like to get involved in and sort out the suitable days for doing them. If you have a planner or any other scheduling tool there is no point to forget about them for the time of holidays.

Tip #2. Arrange a trip.

A break in your studying is a good chance to travel to somewhere as you might not have had enough time for it during the classes. Select a city or a country to go and make sure that you establish all the needed points, like tickets, accommodation, things to do and to see in there and a good company. Traveling activity will assure that you will not become too lazy during the holidays as you will have many things to arrange, see and do.

Tip #3. Visit your grandparents.

Festive time is a good opportunity to visit your grandparents. You might have not seen them for long because of plenty of other things that are usually necessary to be done. So, when you have at least one free day give a call to your grandma, buy something tasty and come to see them. Winter time is the best for family reunion.

Tip #4. Go into winter sports.

Skiing, snowboarding, skating

Do not hesitate to start skiing, ice-skating or snowboarding even if you have never done it before. It is a good way to keep fit and save yourself from the daily routine and boredom without the classes and tasks to do. All winter sports are a little bit extreme so you will get more adrenaline in your blood and relieve your energy.

Tip #5. Prepare for a new semester.

If you feel that too much rest is not for you, it is possible to start preparing for new semester’s studies even during the break. The curriculum is likely to be already available so you can review the courses that you are going to take and, maybe, to do some preliminary reading so to be ready for new knowledge and getting new skills. If you are interested in a certain subject you may email your tutor and ask for an advice how to prepare for this course better.

Strict teacher

Tip #6. Take an online course.

If you are a fan of the constant learning you may keep your brain fit by taking an online course that is interesting for you. You may select the one, which attracts you as a supplementary material, or the one that might be useful in future studies.

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