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How to Train Your Speech?

Every one of us from time to time faces the need to deliver a speech in front of audience. Moreover, we face kind of speeches every day. Have not you felt awkward when you talk about something and then your friends start to listen to your monologue attentively and silently? Train your rhetorical skills and you will forget about these kinds of issues.


Tricks to Develop the Rhetorical Skills

Here we will give you a set of hints on how to develop your speech and feel comfortable in front of audience.

Hint #1: Diction

It is important to sound clear and trustworthy. Thus, try to say every single word slowly and with the proper intonation. It is necessary to speak as long as possible, but on one breathe.

Hint #2: Read Aloud

If you have such a possibility, try to read aloud loudly. This will help you to understand and remember the new information better, as you combine two senses: hearing and eyesight. Reading in Front of Mirror

Hint #3: Retell

Read a certain part of any text (no more than 5 sentences) and retell what you have read. Firstly, try exact telling the same words you have read. After this try to tell the same information in your own words, with your own word choice and structures applied.

Hint #4: The Language of Your Thoughts

To become a talented and impressive speaker you should not only read articles, learn those articles by heart, but regularly train your rhetorical skills based on the notes with key words and your thinking. The orator never uses a lot of learned phrases, but can tell the same thought in tens of ways using the new words and structures every time.

Hint #5: Tell In an Interesting Way

No matter what stories you are trying to tell to your friends, try to do this interestingly. Catch your listeners` attention and test some tricks on them.

Hint #6: Learn to Speak in a Formal Way

Get ready for a business speech. You will need the speaker notes with key words in order to retell a random article in the required style. Add your impressions and phrases to make the language more beautiful.

Hint #7: Learn to Speak Your Mind

Get prepared the speech showing your personal opinion on a certain subject. Make sure you talk on a certain topic (hobby, your career goal etc.) The speech may be 5 minutes long. Use as much key words as possible, but also switch them with synonyms.

Hint #8: Train Your Memory

An inherent feature of any orator is a good memory. Thus, train it! Set a goal to learn something every day: you can learn poems or paragraphs of your favorite book. A good thing will be to start learning a foreign language.

Hint #9: Control Your Memory

You can control your memory and optimize it using the 3 main principles: 1) concentration of attention; 2) creation of the associations; 3) repetition. Writing Down

Hint #10: Define Your Memorizing Mode

There are different ways of memorizing and different people have different predispositions. Napoleon could write down the name 3 times and then threw the note away, as he already remembered what he had written. People with the audio memory need to listen to the information they need to remember. People with visual memory remember the way the information has been put into a paper.


If You Need to Deliver a Speech…

Here is an algorithm to follow:

  • Gathering of the materials from different sources.
  • Selection of the appropriate materials and their organization.
  • Thinking the materials over.
  • First editing of the key words.
  • Stylistic formatting of the main part.
  • Working on introduction and conclusion.
  • The overall revision.
  • The final revision of the key words of your speech.
  • Repetition of the speech in a whole.

We do hope that your hard work on the speech delivery skills will have the fruitful results!

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