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Persuasive Writing: Ideas and Prompts

Person Writes

For a lot of professions, it’s of keen importance to be able to assure a reader that your attitude and ideas are the only right and that he or she should follow your notions. Politics, journalists, bloggers and so on - all of them use persuasive writing strategies. If your job relates to writing public texts or speeches too, you should know some rules of persuasive writing. Certainly, several prompts will help to make your career more successful. Even if you are a student, we bet you often have a task to deliver a speech, so the following info will help you on this greatly.

Know the Audience

Firstly, concentrate for whom you are writing. The style, the language, the size of the text depend on the age, sex, interests, social status of the public. For example, if the recipient of the text is a teenager, writing shouldn’t be too complicated. It will be a good idea to add some interesting details, make it dynamic and entertaining.


Your text should be absolutely transparent for the reader with no ambiguity or double-meanings. The language of your text has to be understandable for the audience. Try to interpret complicated things with plain constructions. Don’t forget that uncommon terminology, rare words and so on will make your writing harder for understanding, instead use plain arguments and build your sentences logically. Let people focus on your ideas but not on the structure of the text, so your task will be much easier.


Speaking Emotionally

Despite your text should be simple as much as possible, it is a bad idea to write just dry facts. Add a simple, but emotional story; it will help you to influence your readers. You should learn how to communicate with the reader on an emotional level and influence his or her mood. Let your audience use imagination and fantasy, awake their interest to the written.


If you are eager to assure people of the truthfulness of your narration, you should make a talk with them. Apply rhetorical questions, exclamations, etc. Don’t make your text overly formal, allow readers to feel just as you are friends.

Add Details

Details, which you can add to your text, will make people understand that you are informed well concerning your topic. Also public will become more interested in the subject. The headline, for example, can be short, but it is one of the most influential parts of you writing.

Be Honest

Sure, you have, to be honest with your public; your text shouldn’t sound false or factitious. Build simple, but strong and logical arguments and maintain them with examples. Also, you can use information from researches or statistics. Write with confidence, show readers the reasons why they have to follow you or your narrations.

Use the Right Style

Your text should sound unhesitatingly and masterfully to make people believe you. The style of writing has to be plain and friendly, so the reader can feel your confidence. Despite telling only about the advantages of ideas in your text add some facts from the other viewpoint. Counterarguments will convert your writing into more forceful and convincing, and the reader will be persuaded that your text is not insincere.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say that by using these persuasive writing strategies you will make your text really convincing and influential. You should never forget that success in many professions depends on the ability to create such texts.

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