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How to Complete an Essay About a Movie?

Person Watching Film

Sometimes, teenagers get a task not simply to write an essay, but create a review on a certain movie. Sure, this is a kind of creative work, which demands attention and high writing skills. So, it is essential to know the main steps of making a review on a movie. This can not only bring you an excellent mark but some pleasure as well. In this article, we present some good ways of making a review, which can enlarge your knowledge about filmmaking industry at all.

Watch the Movie

Of course, your first and most important step is watching the film. However, this is not a usual thing as well. You should not only get satisfaction but be very attentive to the details. Keep in mind that you will have to describe the most significant things, symbols and allegories in this movie. In order to interpret them correctly, it is vital to memorize them during the process of watching. You have to make some notes as well. It will help you to recall the most important scenes later while writing a review. Do not forget that you can watch this movie several times if something seems to be unclear. Usually, it is necessary if there are a deep sense and message.

Analyze It

Person Thinking

Now, it is time to use your critical thinking and analytic skills. You have to develop your own point of view on the events, which have happened in the film. So, it is essential not to read someone’s reviews and comments before you write your own analysis in order not to be influenced by others’ opinions. You can use some of your notes and put a stress on the most significant moments in the film. However, there is no need to write down the plot in details. Professional critics may not even mention it in their reviews. It is much more important to express your experience and thoughts after watching a certain movie.

Be Creative

Do not try to copy someone’s review. It is your chance to show emotions, which feel while watching the movie. Use a creative and unusual approach to writing. There is no need to write well-known facts there: tell the biographies of actors, the birth date of a film director or describe all the events, which take place in this movie. People can watch it on their own. This is essential to be able to make a review without retelling its plot. You have to mention about actors’ play, cameraman’s work and even special effects. All these things influence your opinion about the film. Do not write that it is simply good or bad. Add some arguments to your sayings.

All in all, if you know and follow these tips, there will be no troubles with the creation of a movie review. Hopefully, you will cope with this task quickly and effectively. The main point is staying original and creative. This will help you to complete any writing task at college.

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