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Making Your Story Interesting: Hints for Writing

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One of the most common misconceptions about the writer's skill lies in the fact that many perceive it as something, which can't be learned. In fact, this is wrong: in any work, a 90 percent of success are achieved due to labor and perseverance, and only the remaining 10 percent – due to a talent. Anyone with the desire and zeal can learn to write quite good texts that grab the reader with the first letter and do not let them go till the final dot. It will be easier for you to write such texts, if you take advantage of the practical advice that we want to share with you in this article.

You Should Catch the Reader's Attention Just in the First Sentence

This is one of the most important, but, at the same time, the most difficult task. The first sentence of your text has to 'cling' the reader's attention at once. To do this, you can ask a provocative question ('Do you know what is common between teachers and sumo wrestlers?'), or start with a quote, statistics or 'historical fact' ('One day I felt myself like a great physicist: an apple fell on my head'). It is important not to overdo with effect because the reader can feel himself cheated in the middle of the article.

Shorter and Simpler!

Today, people have too little time to think about the long and convoluted sentences. At the same time, short and simple sentences lead to a real sympathy and a desire to keep reading. A good way to check your text is to read it aloud. If you can't pronounce any sentence in the same breath, then you should cut or split it into several simpler sentences. Be simpler! Never use too much scientific, professional or slang terms. No one will understand the sense of unfamiliar words.

Play with Analogies

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You can add some interesting comparisons to your text. A successful analogy always looks elegant and gives a certain charm to the whole paragraph. For example, you can compare the reader with your love, because you have to do everything to please him, or write that the color of the clouds is like milk for you.

Finally, Finish Your Text Effectively!

Once you have passed the stage of introduction and developed a theme in the main part, it is time to go to conclusion. Writing of this part sometimes is more difficult than the beginning. Usually, the conclusion is the main theme of your writing repeated in compressed form. Alas, it can be very boring and mediocre. It will be much more interesting if you follow the example of the masters of the detective genre: decorate the conclusion with an issue, a controversial conclusion, the original interpretation of the meaning of the article. The reader shouldn't remain indifferent and passive: do everything possible to contribute to this.

We hope that this set of hints will help you write a great story. Work hard, and then you get all. Good luck!

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