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How to write an essay for a scholarship effectively?

Essay writing for scholarship applications are beneficial for both students and committee. For student it gives a chance to reveal his or her personality, talents and goals while for the graders this is an opportunity to find the one who is really worth this scholarship. In order for your paper to sound effectively you need to dedicate much time to it and divide your writing process into the certain stages. Our brief guide will tell you about the main steps and some useful tips.

Stage 1. Preparation for scholarship essay writing.

  • Before you begin you need to carry out some preparing work. Think of all the possible ways how to enlighten your achievements.
  • Do not consider writing about your accomplishments as boasting. You should get comfortable with it as this is exactly what the judges are looking for. That is why before you start writing you should spend some time thinking about how good you are.
  • There are several pre-writing activities that will, certainly, help you with the work:

-          write a list with all your  achievements you can remember;

-          you should also mention your extracurricular activities. If you have a lot of them develop a list as well;

-          analyze your lists and highlight those accomplishments you are the most proud of;

-          Judges will be also assessing how well you can resist unfavorable situations. Thus, you should think about the difficulties you have faced and of the ways you managed to overcome them.

-          Note your goals for career and reasons for getting the scholarship.

Stage 2. Reading the instructions.

  • This step is exceptionally important. Remember that the instruction for writing is not only your guide that can help with essay completion but also what the committee would like to see in your paper. Note that particular deviations from the instruction may lead to your application disqualifying.
  • Check the deadline and main criteria set in the instructions, Make sure you are meeting all of them.
  • If there are some limits on the essay writing such as fonts, words, pages ensure you are alright with them too.

Stage 3. Spots you can reveal in your paper

  • Tell about your leadership abilities;
  • explain why you would like to get an education in college and why you are the one to deserve a scholarship;
  • explicate why you are choosing the specific major;
  •  choose some pieces of the personal information that you would like to share with the  judges;
  • do not forget to support each of these statements with the personal examples.

Stage 4. Writing.

  • Make sure that your paper is easy and clear to understand. Write only about the things you know.
  • First paragraph is an introduction. Your aim here is to grab the reader’s attention. The last sentence of it should explain why you are the best applicant and be a transition to the second paragraph.
  • The second paragraph is a place to support your thesis with arguments. Write the reasons for choosing the college and major. Indicate your positive sides, achievements, work experience, additional education, and volunteer work and so on.
  • The third paragraph is mainly about your plans for future in education and career.
  • The conclusive part brings your whole writing together. Also, you should summaries the key points and explain the benefits you will get from the scholarship and how college will benefit from your studying.

Keywords: essay for a scholarship, essay, paper, application, tips, steps, stages, effective, successful.

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