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Please Like Me

We seek for the signs of acceptance from different people – from the teachers we respect, from our group mates, colleagues and bosses. Sometimes we even think we want a little bit more of warmth from our close friends and relatives. Feeling valuable inspires us, has a good effect on our self-esteem and even makes us feel like the sun shines a little bit brighter. But what can you improve to become noticed and appreciated? Here are some tips.


  • Work on your self-confidence

    The most important person you need to impress is yourself. Before others find the positive sides of you and like you, you should do it first. It is a complex task. Loving and accepting yourself without becoming conceited is a goal that is hard, but possible to achieve. Do a little research on the subject if you don’t know where to start, and use any means that you find effective.

  • Try to be involved

    In order to be appreciated, you need to be noticed. Think of an activity that you like and look for a club or a circle where you can practice it together with others. This will let you get acquainted with people, who may share your interests and even have mindsets similar to yours.

  • Be friendly

    Do not be afraid to start a conversation. Do it lightly, with a smile, and avoid touchy subjects. It is also important not to play favorites. Be friendly with everyone evenly and you will see the results.

  • Don’t try too hard

    You have probably caught yourself thinking, that most of the popular people look really natural in their behavior, as if they do it without any efforts. Apparently, it is true. If you try too hard, people will consider you to be a show-off. Nobody likes fake behavior. You are a great person as you are; there is no need to change completely for the sake of someone’s approval. Your goal is to be yourself and to let others see, how amazing your personality is. It is also important to be able to laugh at your own flaws, not letting a problem make you feel awkward.

  • Improve your skills in different fields

    Make people interested in you by becoming an all-rounder. Do not limit yourself to only one hobby, and one day someone might describe you as a person, who “speaks three languages, is a good cook and always knows a good pizza place”. Doesn’t it sound better, than “that dark-haired someone that feel asleep during the class and fell down from the chair”?

Additional tips:

  • If you have nothing good to say, better do not say anything. Not only this can keep you off unneeded conflicts, but will also develop positive thinking.
  • Be yourself. Do not copy someone else’s behavior and habits, as you want people to like the real you.
  • Be helpful. Do it kindly, wholeheartedly, and you will feel, that helping others makes you feel good as well.

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