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Helpful Tips for Any Essay


We all know that the process of writing can be tough sometimes, but as long as you figure out main steps and get used to it, it’s going to be fast and interesting. You can teach yourself once and use this helpful skill for the rest of your life, as writing as essay is a popular task at schools, universities and colleges. At first it might be hard for you, but with time you are going to need 30-60 minutes to write an interesting essay on any topic. Here are some steps you should follow in order to write a good paper.

Tip # 1 Learn All the Possible Material in the Given Area

You can’t write anything about, let’s say, forest deterioration if you don’t know anything about it. Search all the possible information on Internet, read specialized literature or ask your teacher in order to be qualified in this field. Be careful not to use the Web as the only source of information. While searching the Net, look attentively on domain types, as there can be commercial, governmental, educational or other web pages. It’s better to search for the main information on educational websites. Another good choice is to go to the library.

Tip # 2 Make a Plan

It’s always easier if you are certain about the main points to develop in your essay. While searching for all the possible materials try to write down main things you would like to open up in your essay. Find some statistics, pictures or quotes that will prove your point of view. It is going to be easier to write introduction, main body and the conclusion.

Tip # 3 Structure

There are lots of ways to write an essay, but the most common pattern is called «Hamburger essay». If we think about hamburger, it consists of two similar pieces of bread and meat inside. Essay can be structured in the same way: similar introduction and conclusion and the main body. Don’t forget to create your introduction in a unique and interesting way in order to make your reader want to continue reading it. The main body should be spited into two or three parts. Don’t make too many paragraphs as it is going to be hard to read and memorize all the ideas. Your conclusion should be connected to the introduction part.

Tip # 3 Thesis Statement

Your goal is to frame the main idea of your paper in a creative way, otherwise someone might think you have copied everything from the Internet. Keep in mind that you can build the whole essay just around one idea.

Tip # 4 Grammar

Grammar is very important while writing an essay. Try to replace all the modals with strong verbs. If English is not your mother tongue or your level is not high enough for effective proofreading, check all the grammar with a special system and correct the usage of lexical material.

Tip # 5 Do Not be Afraid to Express Yourself

An essay should include your personal opinion, thus it has to be original. You can freely express all your thoughts about the topic in a confident way and not feel guilty about thinking in a different way than most of others.

Tip # 6 Let Someone Read It

You can’t adequately evaluate your own essay, so after finishing it let someone else read it. Your friends or teachers can help you with that. They can tell you which parts should still be corrected, which should be deleted and what sentences are the best.

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