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Yellow Press: Is It Evil or Not?


"Yellow press" is something that nobody expects hearing about. A situation often happens when we arrive at some point of our journey and we have to wait a long time for the departure of the next transport. The phone battery is almost down. That is obvious – we have nothing to do... Suddenly we see a small shop with a bunch of magazines and newspapers. Businesses already took care of the entertainment of the passengers - by putting a stand with press near the waiting room.

How to Write an Essay About Yourself?

Smiling Students

What can be complicated in telling about yourself? To do this, you do not have to learn additional materials. Nobody knows you better than yourself. Often, you will write such essays not just in college, but it can be a kind of a motivational or covering letter for the university or the job. Thus, examiner not only sees how you can express your thoughts but also learns what person you are. You think that it is nothing difficult to tell about yourself, but in practice, when you get such task, you may fall into frustration. What can you write in this essay apart from the name, date of birth and the place of study?

History of the Word "OK"

Word OK

All Hollywood stars can envy the popularity of the word "O.K." – its scope is grandiose. It is a true citizen of the world who has registered in every language. However, "O.K." continues to remain a mystery to many: what does it mean literally, where did it come from, who is the creator? Well, we have an answer to these and other questions!

Creative Essay: Twin Peaks – by Lynch Law

Fans Art Twin Peaks

I remember how it was. In the early nineties, people with a good taste began to hurry up home in the evenings. Where? Watch the TV series Twin Peaks. They were individuals that were not fond of the soap operas such as "Santa Barbara" or "Simply Maria," rather the opposite. "Twin Peaks" was one of the first decent series, the watching of which was not shameful to admit, only for this its place is at the entrance to the Pantheon.

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