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How to Think Deep to Succeed to College?

Student Thinking

Success in college is becoming increasingly more important. In the era of rapidly developing technology and a growing demand for qualified labor, you are almost guaranteed to go to college. Education is not easy, regardless of your major. Thinking deep about the subject is crucial in coping with this challenging enterprise.

Fiction Writing: Basic Tips

Fiction Book

If you have a great idea (and you want to share it with somebody), some free time and of course pleasure to do it – fiction is a good thing for you. Maybe, you have a dream to write it but you can’t gather strength to do this? You can find the suitable advice on how to write your fiction story. There are some good tips for a freshman in writing a worthy fiction.

Writing an Argumentative Essay: Taking a Stance on Social Contract

Pen on Paper

When writing an argumentative essay, first of all, you need to pick a side. After that it is essential to formulate a compelling thesis statement that would validate your point. As you might have guessed, you would then need to present the arguments that corroborate your thesis, preferably in the order of importance. In the conclusion, you would need to rehash your thesis and one more time list the most central evidence to support it.

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